MINEC학술상은 제7대 치의학회 김철환 회장님의 노력과 ㈜메가젠임플란트의 후원에 힘입어 제정되었습니다.
MINEC학술상은 디지털치의학 분야의 신진연구자들을 지원하고 대한민국 치의학 연구발전에 기여하기 위하여 마련되었습니다.
MINEC학술상에 대한 자세한 사항은 “MINEC학술상 규정” 게시판을 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.
The Yeonsong Dental Award was established thanks to the efforts of the first Dental Association President Jong-Yeol Kim and the absolute support of the Yng-Yik Lee the CEO of SHIN HUNG CO., LTD.
Starting with the first award in 2004, the Yeonsong Dental Award strives to enhance the international status of Korean dentistry by promoting the academic development of Korean dentistry and aiming for the discovery of excellent dental researchers.
Of interesting note, the actual name "Yeonsong" was coined by chairperson Young Kyu Lee, the founder of SHIN HUNG CO., LTD.
For more information on Yeonsong Dental Award, please refer to the "Yeonsong Dentistry Award Regulations"